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Everyone will admit to having used cannabis at least one point in their life, whether for recreation or medical reasons. But did you know which strain you used? Did you know that there are over a thousand different variants of cannabis? However, the most popular are the Indica and Sativa cannabis strains. At face value, the seemingly only […]

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Relieving muscle tightness is among the popular therapeutic merits of smoking weed (cannabis). Whether you are enduring muscle tightness, or even discomfort associated with more critical illnesses such as fractured bones, cancer, fibromyalgia, marijuana is an effective option for the medication of muscle aches.    There are several kinds of cannabis products in the current market and this gives various users difficulty in selecting the best brand to relieve muscle tightness. This article will discuss details of smoking weed to […]

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I know you are wondering why functional mushrooms are in quotes. It is because these are the rarest kind of mushrooms found on living creatures like caterpillar, logs, and stems of plateau trees. However, if you are not knowledgeable about the mushrooms, do not go plucking any that you see on logs, or around trees because among them are […]

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Edibles have been brought about by mixing brownie butter into marijuana. As smoking is the most common method of consuming edibles, several consumers are increasingly selecting to eat their particular weeds.     Eating foods infused with cannabis can be somehow tricky. Edibles are a highly discreet method of imbibing without receiving complaints from your neighbor over the smoke that […]

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WHAT IS DEPRESSION?  Depression is a mood disorder that negatively affects your feelings, thoughts and actions. The symptoms range from mild to severe mood swings; it’s a combination of different factors and circumstances revolving in a person’s can be caused by the following: age, conflict, abuse, certain medications, death of a loved one, major life changing events, gender inequality, hereditary genes, […]

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Magic mushrooms are a type of mushrooms found in most parts of the world Shroom Hub. They are commonly taken as food in parts of America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.  Appearance   Magic mushrooms, also known as‘ shrooms’ look like ordinary mushrooms. They have long slender stems that are whitish-grey. Their caps are dark brown. When dried, they appear dusty brown.  Preparation  […]

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Cannabis dispensary is also known as Marijuana dispensary. These are stores that are permitted by the government to sell cannabis for mainly medical purposes. How to market a cannabis dispensary are various ways you can advertise or create awareness. The following methods of marketing can be used:   Radio.  Television.  Social media platforms.  Bill boards.  Pamphlets.  Brochures  Newspapers.  […]

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Magic Mushrooms also referred to as ‘shrooms’, scientifically named Psilocybin Mushrooms.  They contain the compound psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychoactive and hallucinogenic. The biological genera that contain psilocybin mushroom are Gymnopilus, Copelandra, Inocybe, Panaceious, Pholiotina, Plateus, and Psilocybe.   Because to its hallucinogenic properties, the ‘Magic Mushroom’ is classified as a schedule 1 drug to its high potential of misuse. The United […]

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Cannabis is a drug that is also known as marijuana. This drug is a psychoactive drug that is used for either recreational or medical use. Most of the countries that have legalized the use of marijuana have mostly legalized it as a medical drug. Being one of the countries that have legalized cannabis, Canada was the second country to […]

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Marijuana consumption has been in existence for quite some time probably due to its addictive nature. With time, a more improved version of marijuana use was adopted in ancient India, Canada and in most states of the United States. This version is actually what we call cannabis edibles.  Cannabis edibles are associated with medicinal and recreational benefits among the users. The edibles are manufactured […]

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Psychedelic mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms or magic mushrooms, are an informal, polyphyletic group of fungi which contain psilocin and psilocybine. Biological genera containing magic mushrooms include Gymnopilus, Copelandia, Inocybe, P. ganoderma, P. polysperma, Pholiota, P. aeruginosa, and P. aeruginosa. The mushrooms, which are often used in magic mushroom ceremonies are commonly sold as “magic mushrooms” Order at Shroom Hub.  The […]

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magic mushrooms or commonly referred to as ‘shrooms ‘are the next big thing in the medical field.  They date way back in the prehistoric periods yet it is now scientists are demystifying many of the magical and medicinal powers they possess. This article is meant to advocate the potential health benefits as far as medical research and professionalism are concerned.    Topic: The […]

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The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) released a report in 2015. The report stated that drug use in the EU is illegal only when injuring others. Regulation policies vary from one country to another. This is due to the lack of a homogeneous legal framework from the EU. Hence, the legality of cannabis for […]

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Background In October 2018, Canada lead the developed world in legalizing recreational cannabis mail order marijuana. The only other country known to have done this is Uruguay. Following the legalization, stocks of the Canada’s main cannabis companies immediately skyrocketed. This was an impressive feat considering the industry was barely four years old. Against this background, […]

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Money is a very important aspect of life. It is the reason why people engage in various activities on a daily basis. Most people have taken up self-employment so as to work under their own terms. For these businesses to thrive, customer attraction strategies must be put in place. This lack of customers then results […]

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Introduction Several states in the US have legalized the recreational and medical use of cannabis. Many licenses have been issued to business people, which make cannabis readily available for users. Even with the legalization of cannabis, laws prohibit people from driving while under the influence of marijuana. However, many drivers are still ignorant, and this […]

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