Tag: Mushrooms

It’s essential to understand the medicinal trip and its mind-bending effects before taking the next step to trying magic mushrooms. Below are tips to help you take magic mushrooms safely, what to expect and their benefits. First, Know Whether Magic Mushroom Are Suitable For You The first thing is to know about your health status. […]

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I know you are wondering why functional mushrooms are in quotes. It is because these are the rarest kind of mushrooms found on living creatures like caterpillar, logs, and stems of plateau trees. However, if you are not knowledgeable about the mushrooms, do not go plucking any that you see on logs, or around trees because among them are […]

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Magic mushrooms are a type of mushrooms found in most parts of the world Shroom Hub. They are commonly taken as food in parts of America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.  Appearance   Magic mushrooms, also known as‘ shrooms’ look like ordinary mushrooms. They have long slender stems that are whitish-grey. Their caps are dark brown. When dried, they appear dusty brown.  Preparation  […]

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Psychedelic mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms or magic mushrooms, are an informal, polyphyletic group of fungi which contain psilocin and psilocybine. Biological genera containing magic mushrooms include Gymnopilus, Copelandia, Inocybe, P. ganoderma, P. polysperma, Pholiota, P. aeruginosa, and P. aeruginosa. The mushrooms, which are often used in magic mushroom ceremonies are commonly sold as “magic mushrooms” Order at Shroom Hub.  The […]

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magic mushrooms or commonly referred to as ‘shrooms ‘are the next big thing in the medical field.  They date way back in the prehistoric periods yet it is now scientists are demystifying many of the magical and medicinal powers they possess. This article is meant to advocate the potential health benefits as far as medical research and professionalism are concerned.    Topic: The […]

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